Our Mission

At St. Moritz Enterprises, LLC, our mission is to provide professional services that enhance the capability of our clients with agnostics point of need delivery.

Customer Success

At St. Moritz Enterprises, our mission is to enhance our customers capabilities by supplementing existing staff or providing training systems that improve the effectiveness of native capabilities.  Our focus is to deliver tailored solutions that increase corporate as well as human performance. 


We help our clients succeed. When you take advantage of our services, we help you define cost effective approaches that will improve your organizations performance.  Our solutions are unique, tailored, and customer focused.  When you choose St. Moritz Enterprises – we are your Teammate.

Successfully Thrive in the Defense Industry

Navigating the numerous rules of Department of Defense (DoD) acquisition labyrinth can be a daunting task. Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR), DoD FAR Supplement (DFARS) or Navy Marine Corps Acquisition Supplement (NMCARS) all drive complexity that can be simply overwhelming to the un-initiated.

Helping your company thrive in the defense industry is our mission. When you take advantage of our services, we help you define the business development strategies and tactics that make your business succesful. From suspect to award, we work to help you develop a realistic opportunity pipeline that becomes a profitable business plan. Whether it is teaming opportunities, instructional training, proposal development, compliance matrices, or small business set-asides, we work to ensure your success.

our clients

Get in Touch with Us

Let our team help you learn more about how to be successful in the DoD environment. Call us at 813-394-5077 today and schedule a consultation.

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